Born in Edmonton
Lives in Calgary
Educated in & by the region.
Studies sculpture,
is fond of photography
is drawn to drawing, interested in installation,
& on occasion participates in performance.
Some interests include
free flowing water,
many forms of fuel,
dysfunctional material, objects and circumstances,
older things,
the peculiarities of museums
& the wide ranging definitions of sculpture.
Walter May Biography
Although primarily known as a sculptor, Walter May’s practice has also included drawing, digital photography, and installations. He has an extensive exhibition record with over thirty solo and collaborative exhibitions or projects and numerous invitational and group exhibitions at the regional and national level including the 1998 and 2010 Alberta Biennials. International activities have included the production and exhibition of work at Chateau Matheau, Normandy, France (2009), Kling and Bang Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland (2009), the Lui Haisu Arts Museum, Shanghai (2008), and Galeria Klimy in Warsaw, Poland (2005). May has undertaken artist residencies at “Prairie North”, Grand Prairie, Alberta (2004), “The Brazier’s International Artists Residency” Oxfordshire, England (2001), and the “Djerassi Resident Artists Program,” in Woodside, California (2010). Commissions have included a four part sculpture with an associated limited edition digital print portfolio prepared for the 2012 Honens International Piano Competition and “Hatstack,” and a 19ft high bronze sculpture for Le Germaine Hotel, Calgary (2017)
From 1982 to 2013, Walter May was a faculty member at the Alberta College of Art & Design, teaching primarily in the sculpture program. He served three terms as President of ACAD Faculty Association.
Born in Edmonton, Alberta. Resides in Calgary, Alberta
Graduate of the University of Regina - M.F.A. 1977, (Major in sculpture, minor in drawing).
Graduate of the University of Alberta - B.F.A. l97l.
SOLO EXHIBITIONS: * indicates Catalogue
2024 New Work Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary
2021 Nothing New Here Paul Kuhn Gallery,Calgary
2020 Ground Outdoor exhibition curated by KyrlMarks Projects, Inglewood, Calgary.
2018 * Look Again Nickle Galleries, Univ. of Calgary.
2016 * Walter May: Object Lessons Glenbow Museum, Calgary.
2015 One Thing After Another Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary.
2012 Collected Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary.
2008 Walter May: Our Nature Paul Kuhn Gallery. Calgary.
2002 * Flammable Inflammable Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary.
1997 The Museum of Fuel Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary.
1994 Our Nature Neutral Ground, Regina, Saskatchewan.
Another Network A.K.A. Artists' Centre, Saskatoon, Sask.
1991 Furthermore Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary.
1990 * Low Table - High Chairs Mercer Union, Toronto.
1990 * Walter May The Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton.
1989 Walter May : Sculpture Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary.
1986 Walter May : Recent Sculpture Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary.
1985 * Walter May : Recent Sculpture Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge.
1984 Walter May : New Sculpture Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary.
1982 Looks Like Real, Feels Like Real Optica, Montreal.
1977 Walter May, M.F.A. Exhibition Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina.
1975 Walter May, Sculpture Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary.
2005 * There and Gone, Warsaw (with L. Vickerson, P. van Tiesenhausen), Galeria Klimy,
Warsaw, Poland. June 2005.
* There and Gone, Calgary, Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Sept. 2005.
1998 Distant, (with Blake Senini), Artweek exhibition, Calgary.
1994 Squint, (with Gordon Ferguson & Laura Vickerson), Artweek exhibition, Calgary.
1989 * Cutting down on Overhead - Media Blitz 2, Performance with Gordon Ferguson and Blake Senini,
sponsored by The New Gallery, Calgary.
1987 * Gang of Three (with Gordon Ferguson and Blake Senini).
Plug in Gallery & Ace Gallery, Winnipeg.
1984 In Triplicate, (with Alan Dunning & Blake Senini).
Presented by Latitude 53 Gallery, Manulife Place, Edmonton.
1979 Walter May & Don McVeigh, Clouds and Water Gallery, Calgary.
Two, (with Carroll Moppett), Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff.
1974 Statues and Pictures, (with Don McVeigh), Latitude 53, Edmonton.
2021 Killing Me Softly, Ribtor Warehouse, KyleMarks Projects
2019 Summer 2019, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary
2018 Summer Exhibition, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary
2016 Five Artists: Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.
2015 Exposure x 5: Photography, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.
2014 Made in Calgary: The 2000’s, The Nickle Galleries, University of Calgary.
Made in Calgary: The 90’s, The Glenbow Museum and the Art Gallery of Calgary.
90x90 Celebrating Art in Alberta: Part One. The Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton.
Folly: Chateau Mathieu, The Nickle Galleries, University of Calgary.
2013 Made in Calgary: The 80’s, The Glenbow Museum, Calgary Alberta.
Made in Calgary: The 70’s, The Glenbow Museum, Calgary Alberta.
Made in Alberta, Part 4, The Art Gallery of Calgary.
Made in Alberta, Part 2, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary Alberta.
2012 Folly: Chateau Mathieu, Esplanade Art Gallery, Medicine Hat. Alberta.
We Tell ourselves Stories: Nickle Galleries, Univ. of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.
2010 TimeLand – The 2010 Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art: The Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton.
2009 Five Photographers – Edward Burtynsky, Christian Grandjean, Todd Korol, Paul Jackson and Walter May,
Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary
Sleepless Nights: Kling & Bang Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Seven Contemporary Canadian Sculptors from Calgary: Triangle Gallery, Calgary.
Tenuous Balance, Our Environment: Exposure Calgary Banff Photography Festival 2009,
The Gerry Thomas Gallery, Calgary.
2008 * Seven Contemporary Canadian Sculptors from Calgary: Liu Haisu Arts Museum, Shanghai
2006 Black & White, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary.
2005 Round Table: Prairie North 2004 Creative Residency, Edmonton Art Gallery travelling
exhibition - various venues/
Leave it to Drever: Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alta.
Alberta Artists Seen: National Arts Centre, Mezzanine, Ottawa, Ont.
2004 Making it like a Man, Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Sask.
10X10X10X10, Triangle Gallery, Calgary.
New Acquistions: Edmonton Art Gallery.
2002 The Beastiary: Stride Gallery, Calgary.
2001 Idols and Icons: The New Gallery, Calgary.
Braziers International Artists Workshop Exhibition: Braziers Park. Oxfordshire, England.
Burn Graceland Burn: Art Gallery of Calgary.
Money: Performance as part of Burn Graceland Burn, Art Gallery of Calgary.
Silver: Illingworth Kerr Gallery, ACAD, Calgary.
Then and Now: Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary.
Presence: The Works Visual Arts Festival, Edmonton, Alta.
1999 Exquisite Corpse: (with Blake Senini, Gordon Ferguson) Stride Gallery, Calgary.
1998 * The Alberta Biennial: The Glenbow Museum & Edmonton Art Gallery.
Looks Like..., The Edmonton Art Gallery.
1997 A Duchampian Look at the Glenbow Collection: The Glenbow, Calgary.
1996 Still Life, a Contemporary View, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary.
1995 Ark - Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art, Calgary.
Basic Tools: Eye Level Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
1994 Looking Back II: 1981-85, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge.
1993 Ten, Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary.
Hockey 100: Truck, Calgary.
1992 Alberta Survey: New Landscapes, The Edmonton Art Gallery.
1990 Sculpture '90: Four Alberta Sculptors, The Triangle Gallery, Calgary.
1989 Cutting Down on Overhead. Performance for Media Blitz, New Gallery, Calgary
1988 * Contemporary '88: Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary.
1987 Wall Space, The Glenbow Museum, Calgary.
* Drawing Out the Form: The Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary.
* Dreaming Before Nature: The Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton.
The Exchange Show, Calgary-Milano - organized by Off Centre Centre, Calgary
& Centro Lavoro Arte, Milano.
1985 * The First Ten: l975-l985: Off Centre Centre, Calgary.
Five + Five: Off Centre Centre, Calgary.
1983 The Un-college Exhibition:,James Ulrich Gallery, Calgary.
Studio Survey: Sculptur. Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton.
* Locations National: outdoor sculpture installation. Hosted by Off Centre Centre
in conjunction with ANNPAC, Calgary.
1981 Some Calgary Artists, Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton.
* Furniture as Art: Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary.
1980 * Monuments: Off Centre Centre, Calgary.
* Some Drawings by Some Albertans: Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary.
1979 * Alberta Works in Wood: Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary.
1978 Paper Tigers: traveling exhibition circulated by the Dunlop Gallery, Regina.
* Obsessions, Rituals and Controls: The Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina.
Mostly Smaller Works: Clouds & Water Gallery, Calgary.
1977 Group Exhibition: Bau-xi Gallery, Toronto.
Albertaworks: Alberta College of Art & the University of Calgary Gallery.
* Sculpture on the Prairies, The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg.
1976 Forum '76, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal.
1975 Four Man Art, Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina.
Alberta Art, Canadian Consul, Atlanta, Georgia.
1974 Manisphere: Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg.
14th Annual Calgary Graphics: Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary.
1971 11th Annual Calgary Graphics: Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary.
1982-2014 Various faculty exhibitions
Emeritus Award, The Alberta College of Art and Design, 2013
Faculty Speaker, Alberta College of Art and Design Convocation, 2012
Honens International Piano Competition, Digital Print Portfolio, 2012
Sculpture Comissioned for the 2012 Honens International Piano Competition, 2009
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Project Grant, “Digital Print Project, 2007"; “There & Gone, 2005”; "Campfires, 2004"
Sculptural Consultant, PetroCanada Olympic Flag Bearer Award, 2003/04
Canada Council Creation/production Grant - established ("A"), 2001
Canada Council Visiting Artists/lecturer Grant - in association with the Alberta College of Art & Design Faculty Association, to organize the first national meeting of the presidents of the Faculty Associations of Canada’s four College’s of Art & Design, 1998.
Canada Council Arts Grant “B”– 1992, 1987, 1978.
Calgary Region Arts Foundation Impresario Grant, to curate the exhibition
Alberta 75th Civic Grant to curate the exhibition "Monuments" Off Centre Centre, 1980.
University of Regina Graduate Scholarship (T.A.) 1975/76/77.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts The Canada Council Art Bank
Alberta Culture Jubilee Auditorium Collection Alberta College of Art and Design
The Glenbow Museum and Archives The Nickle Arts Museum
Pan-Canadian Petroleum Collection Provincial Museum Collection
Toronto Dominion Bank Collection The University of Regina
The University of Lethbridge Trans-Alta Utilities
Grant McEwen Community College The Edmonton Art Gallery
City of Calgary Civic Collection Le Germaine, Calgary
President: Alberta College of Art & Design Faculty Association, 1998-2001, 2003-2007.
Invited Guest Artist: “Prairie North Creative Residency, Grand Prairie, Alta, May 2004.
ACADFA representative to ACIFA (Alberta Colleges & Institutes Faculty Assoc.) 98-2001,
ACADFA rep. to CAAE (Coalition for the Advancement of Applied Education) 98-2000.
President, Off Centre Centre, an artist-run gallery, Calgary, 1981.
Vice-President/Coordinator, Off Centre Centre, Calgary, 1980.
Listed in CCCA (Centre for Canadian Contemporary Art) website. www.ccca.ca/start.html?languagePref=en&context=main
Paul Kuhn Gallery website http://www.paulkuhngallery.com/artists/walter-may
“Look Again” Lissa Robinson, Galleries West. Feb. 11, 2108.
“The Hatstack” Katherine Ylitalo, p. 178, Avenue Magazine, November 2017.
“Walter May Finds Beauty in the Discarded and Obsolete”, Calgary Herald, Mar. 5. 2016.
Made in Calgary, An Exploration of Art from the 1960s to the 2000s, 2016, R. Moppett,
J. Spalding, N. Tousley, K . Ylitalo, Published by the Glenbow Museum, pp. 90,127,179, 251, 275, 327, 363,366,369, 370,373.
Tousley N. Walter May: Object Lessons, from the exhibition series One New Work. 2016, Glenbow Museum
Garneau, D, “Making Art Like A Man,” pp.56-58. From “Making it Like a Man, Canadian Masculinities in Practice” Christine Ramsay, editor. Wilfred Laurier Univ. Press. 2011.
Patricia Ainslie and Mary-Beth Laviolette: Alberta Art and Artists: An Overview, Fifth House Books, 2007.
Laviolette, Mary-Beth: An Alberta Art Chronicle: Adventures In Recent And Contemporary Art
Altitude Publishing, 2005, pp 75, 216, 343-48.
Perron, Mireille: There and Gone/Istnienie Ulotne, Espace 75 Sculpture, spring 2006, p. 38.
Jonsson, Tomas, Graceland’s burning to rise anew, FFWD, Nov 16th-22nd. 2000, p.31.
Garneau, David: A Chair is a Chair is a Sculpture, FFWD, Oct 2-8, 97, p. 20.
Gogarty, Amy: Clay Alternatives, Contact , #92, Spring 93, P.29-31.
Jodoin, Andre: Walter May, Espace, Vol. 6, #2, Winter 90, pp. 46-47.
Laviolette, Mary-Beth: From Line to Form, Artichoke, Vol.1,#1, Fall 89, pp.l8-l9.
Butler, Sheila: Gang of Three, Vanguard, Sept./Oct. 87. pp.33-34.
O'Neil, Colleen: Wall Space, Vanguard, Nov.87, p.35.
Tousley, N: Glenbow Exhibits Sculpture, Interacts with Arch..., Calgary Herald, June 87.
Blanchette, Manon: Walter May, Paul Kuhn Fine Arts , Vanguard, Sum. 86. p.43.
Laviolette, Mary-Beth: Walter May, Paul Kuhn., Vanguard, Nov. 84, p.35.
Gault, Charlotte Townsend: Locations National, Vanguard, Feb. 84, pp. 23-24.
Tousley, N.: Artworks Link Cities ..., Calgary Herald, Sept.29, 83.
Locations National, Parallelogram, Dec. 83.
Tousley, N: Calgary Artists: Three Approaches to Drawing Problems, Calgary Herald, May 28, 8l.
Tousley, Nancy - Alberta Works in Wood, Calgary Herald, Feb.22,79.p.A20.